Setting Boundaries

Today, Roger’s lesson may have sounded like the title of one he presented in November of 2017, but that one was titled “Boundaries“. Today’s lesson is “Setting Boundaries”. Where the former lesson was mostly about the boundaries that God set for man to stay in His graces in his Word,...

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Globe and magnifying glass

Location Matters – Part 1

Most of us who have been around for a while have heard business owners and realtors say the following when referring to the potential success of a business or home working out. They say, “location, location, location”. This is true for many successful and unsuccessful businesses. Sometimes it is key...

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We were on a delayed schedule today due to cold and snow, but Kyle still provided a good lesson on Abraham. So, what was Abraham’s background? Where was he from? Who were Abraham’s descendants? What lessons can we learn from this man? Kyle answers all these questions in this lesson....

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