
Today, Kyle Jones delivers his second of two lessons on Ethics and Morals. Last week we posted his lesson Ethics, today we have the second part on Morals. What are morals or a moral code for society? What does Mark 7 say about morals? Does hanging around good or bad...

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The Pattern

On June 24th, Roger was asked to speak at the congregation where he grew-up in north Dayton. It has been several years since he was able to visit, and he gave a lesson on “The Pattern”. As is his standard, Roger used some imagery for his lessons, but this time...

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Friend and Father

Kyle gave two lessons today on Father’s Day, and titled his lessons, “Friend and Father”. I’m a few weeks behind on getting lessons added to our site for users to listen to, so I’ll let you make your own summary of these good lessons… :^) Recordings of both lessons are...

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We were on a delayed schedule today due to cold and snow, but Kyle still provided a good lesson on Abraham. So, what was Abraham’s background? Where was he from? Who were Abraham’s descendants? What lessons can we learn from this man? Kyle answers all these questions in this lesson....

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Waynesville member, Kyle Jones, presented both lessons today, with two timely lessons on Resolutions. Many of us make resolutions at the beginning of the year for various reasons. Some reasons are due to the failings of past years where we feel we did not realize the hopes or dreams we...

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Embed from Getty Images Abe and Kyle both took different approaches at the lessons today on the subject of “Retirement”. Abe’s lesson starts with these definitions: “Removal of something from service or use.” ( “To withdraw from circulation, to withdraw, to take away.” (Webster) Abe’s lesson goes into saving and...

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