Spring Songs + The Living God Songs

For our 5th Sunday of the month song service, Kyle and Cody split the lessons with each doing a lesson. Kyle did our normal 5th Sunday style lesson by combining songs and scriptures on the subject of “Spring” with an invitation afterward. Cody presented another song history lesson focusing on...

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Once again, July had 5 Sundays in the month, so our worship service today was a mix of song, scriptures, and lessons focused on one Person, Jesus. The first assembly was a sort of overview of Jesus. The second lesson takes a more direct look at just WHO Jesus is....

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Friend and Father

Kyle gave two lessons today on Father’s Day, and titled his lessons, “Friend and Father”. I’m a few weeks behind on getting lessons added to our site for users to listen to, so I’ll let you make your own summary of these good lessons… :^) Recordings of both lessons are...

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We were on a delayed schedule today due to cold and snow, but Kyle still provided a good lesson on Abraham. So, what was Abraham’s background? Where was he from? Who were Abraham’s descendants? What lessons can we learn from this man? Kyle answers all these questions in this lesson....

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Waynesville member, Kyle Jones, presented both lessons today, with two timely lessons on Resolutions. Many of us make resolutions at the beginning of the year for various reasons. Some reasons are due to the failings of past years where we feel we did not realize the hopes or dreams we...

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Links in the Chain

The lessons from Kyle and Roger this week were titled “Links in the Chain”. Both lessons were an expository lesson on the verses from Matthew chapter 10. The lessons begin with the words of Christ from Matthew chapter 28 where he gives his Apostles their Great Commission, a directive by...

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