The Celestial Tapestry

As much of the United States awaited the next total solar eclipse, Kyle presented a lesson on “The Celestial Tapestry”. In the lesson, he takes a look at God’s use of the sun, moon and stars, His own creation! He takes a look at what our sun is composed of...

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The Sign of Jonah + India Report 2023

Former member, Cody Cain, is back with us today and shared a couple of lessons. The first was entitled, “The Sign of Johan” and the second lesson was a report on the work he and a few other brothers did this past December with Christian brethren in south-eastern India. For...

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Mark 16

Alan Beck from the West Carrollton congregation joined us today as he or Mike Grushon do each month, and the lesson he shared today was one of some debate. The lesson was on the scripture from Mark 16:9-20 where his title slide says “Can it be ignored?”. Some versions of...

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Waynesville member, Kyle Jones shared his lesson today on “Fellowship” where he takes a look at what fellowship is. First he looks at the definition of the word and how it is used. In scripture he begins with Adam and Eve in the garden and their fellowship with God. He...

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Alan Beck was back with us today to share his lesson entitled, “Approved” and he begins in 2 Timothy 1:6-14. One of my favorite parts of that passage is where Paul says to Timothy, “fan into flame the gift of God”! In other words, make it spread! 🙂 That is...

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I Stand Amazed

Waynesville member, Glendon Lamb’s niece Vicky Yocum’s son, Samuel has been growing into a good song leader and preacher as he has grown. Today he joined us to deliver his lesson entitled, “I Stand Amazed”. He did an exceptional job preparing and delivering his lesson! His mom, dad, and relatives...

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