Listening Generously

Alan Beck from the West Carrollton, OH church, was able to be with us again this month and his topic was “Listening Generously”, a topic he picked up from a work event recently. What does that mean? Here’s what he had to say… Our level of quality listening is often...

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Jeremiah’s Scrolls

Waynesville member, Roger Starnes, Jr. shared a lesson that was an exceptional study for him, in “Jeremiah’s Scrolls” from Jeremiah chapter 36. Roger begins by noting that as Christians trying to live a godly life before our brethren or the people in our lives, even if we are doing what...

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Trees of the Bible

Waynesville member, Roger Starnes, Jr. presented his lesson today entitled, “Trees of the Bible”. What kind of lesson is that? Why would he talk about trees for a sermon? Well, I think you’ll find that there are many significant events from scripture that take place in and around tress, many...

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We Can’t Escape From God

Marvin joined us today and shared a great lesson entitled, “We Can’t Escape From God”. You can hear his lesson and follow along with his slides below. However, his lesson had about a 5-minute start before the recording started so you’ll have to refer to his slide. Recording: We Can’t...

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The Number 70

There are many numbers that we frequently come across in scripture. Numbers such as 6, 7, 12, 40, and others are in the text of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. But one that has come up over and over lately for today’s speaker, Roger Starnes, has been the number...

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