Times of Refreshing

These days, we all live in VERY busy times. There are demands from our family, our jobs, and our friends. We have kids in sports, houses to care for, clothes to wash/fold, yards to mow, cars and trucks to care for… In the middle of all the things we have...

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Judging – Right or Wrong?

A recent request of Abe for a lesson was on the subject of “judging”. Abe looks at what the Bible says about judging. Is it right? Is it wrong? Are Christians to judge? Should we not? What is our role? Abe answers those questions and dives even deeper in this...

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Attitude in Prayer

Abe’s lessons for today were on our “Attitude in Prayer”. The lessons help us to look at who we are, Who God is, and how we approach Him in prayer. It also looks at just what prayer is and why it is so beneficial for us. Recording of the lessons...

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Hope Lesson

Abe’s lesson for today was on Hope. We recently discussed the difference between “hope” and “wishing” in class, noting that “hope” carries with it the idea of “expectation” where “wishing” does not. This lesson is part of our ‘5th Sunday’ lesson series where we mix songs and scripture readings based...

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