God Has Spoken

Today, Cody shared a lesson using material from Robert Harkrider entitled, “God Has Spoken”, focusing on Hebrews 1:1-3. He begins by discussing just WHO God is and what He has done for us to date. He also notes the fact that we can know God by referring to scripture! In...

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He Leads Me

Today was our 5th Sunday song/scripture/lesson we do for each month with 5 Sundays. Today’s theme was “He Leads Me“. Question, does God lead in your life? Are you following His instructions to the best of your ability, or do you just sort of stay in view of God? Staying...

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The Power of Faith

Everyone has faith in something – something they can’t see or prove. But we all put our faith in things we can see results from. We can’t see the wind, but we can see a tree moving in the wind, or a home destroyed by a tornado. For a Christian,...

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The Book of Hebrews

On the 1st Sunday of the month, Abe’s lessons are on books of the Bible. This month he covers the book of Hebrews. This is a very important book of the New Testament, though we have no certainty as to the author. Hope you can listen!

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