Listening Generously

Alan Beck from the West Carrollton, OH church, was able to be with us again this month and his topic was “Listening Generously”, a topic he picked up from a work event recently. What does that mean? Here’s what he had to say… Our level of quality listening is often...

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Waynesville member, Kyle Jones shared his lesson today on “Fellowship” where he takes a look at what fellowship is. First he looks at the definition of the word and how it is used. In scripture he begins with Adam and Eve in the garden and their fellowship with God. He...

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Two Appointments

Visiting preacher, Marvin Eads, was back with us today and shared a lesson he titled, “TWO APPOINTMENTS – BE WISE IN YOUR DECISIONS”. What two appointments is he talking about? What do they have to do with my decision-making? You can find out by listening to his lesson below and...

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We Can’t Escape From God

Marvin joined us today and shared a great lesson entitled, “We Can’t Escape From God”. You can hear his lesson and follow along with his slides below. However, his lesson had about a 5-minute start before the recording started so you’ll have to refer to his slide. Recording: We Can’t...

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You will understand the reason for the title of today’s lesson by Roger, Sr. once you hear the beginning of the lesson. See how many times you can hear this word while Roger takes you through many scriptures today… and see what it means! The recording of Roger’s lesson is...

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Spiritual Growth & Maturity

Another installment of his series from Robert Harkrider’s material on Spiritual Growth & Maturity, Cody continues his series starting in Hebrews 5:11-14 today. He begins by focusing on the birth of a new Christian like that of a new baby. He continues by looking at the differences in growth in...

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