Jeremy gave a great talk today on Service. At the beginning of the lesson, he noted some of the people in his life who have been strong in God’s Word and strong in the service of God.
Jeremy gave a great talk today on Service. At the beginning of the lesson, he noted some of the people in his life who have been strong in God’s Word and strong in the service of God.
Roger Sr. gave his lesson today on the question of “Where are You Spiritually?” and he began by looking at some of the death rates around the world by year, month, day, hour, minute, and second. Why? To remind us that we all have only a limited time to do...
On September 26th, Mike Grushon presented a lesson on, “Five Components of Faithful Christian Living”. What are these 5 components to be a faithful Christian and truly live? You can hear the details of his 5 points were based on the ordered list below… Be on the Alert! Stand Firm...
Roger’s lesson today began as a different study, but due to the number of times his other lesson came back to the first chapter of Ephesians, he just decided to do a lesson on that! He also decided to do an expository lesson on this chapter. But instead of doing...
Philippians is a wonderful book of encouragement, exhortation, love, compassion, hope, faith, desire, and fulfillment of doing what Christians should be doing. Paul’s words (possibly written by Timothy) his greeting to the church in Philippi, and the dialogue of how they are doing and what Paul wants them to continue...
Kyle Jones and Cody Cain, members of the church here at Waynesville, each presented a lesson today. Kyle had the first lesson on, Sitting Down, discussing what it takes to get to heaven, and how no matter what we do it is Christ who has the power to sit us...