Engin Akyurt

Spiritual Immaturity

Roger Sr. started his lesson out from 1 Corinthians 3:1-4 and talked about how much people love little babies. But then contrasted that by comparing how no one likes a “cry baby” especially in adults. While being a Christian requires growth, starting at the “milk” of the word, but we...

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Reflection & Resolution

Marvin Eads, from the Haynes Street congregation, joins us again this month and shares a lesson entitled, “Reflection & Resolution” which focuses on Haggai 1:3-11. Marvin begins by asking himself and us in attendance, at the end of 2024, is our faith stronger or weaker than the year(s) before? He...

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How We View Our Trials

Jacob Taylor was with us again today and he shared a lesson on trials, entitled, “How We View Our Trials”. The lesson is part of a series that he seems to have been working on called, “The Power of Perspective” and at the beginning of the lesson he shared an...

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Trees of the Bible

Waynesville member, Roger Starnes, Jr. presented his lesson today entitled, “Trees of the Bible”. What kind of lesson is that? Why would he talk about trees for a sermon? Well, I think you’ll find that there are many significant events from scripture that take place in and around tress, many...

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A Little Leaven

Cody Cain joins us today after moving his Sunday around this month to accommodate us moving our “5th Sunday Singing” around due to vacation schedules. Today his lesson was on “Leaven”. What is this lesson about? You can find out by listening to the MP3 below and/or following along with...

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Today we welcomed Marvin Eads back with us after a long absence due to the shut down of all things due to COVID. So he used the lessons we have learned to deal with over the past couple of years to make some spiritual points. We saw how COVID affected...

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