The Power of Doubt – Part 1

Waynesville member, Ryan Mortland shares the first part of his two-part lesson today entitled, “The Power of Doubt”. He begins by noting how many of us tell ourselves things like, I don‘t deserve this, or I‘m afraid I‘ll mess up, or I‘ll never succeed, or I’m not good enough, or...

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Disadvantages of Being a Christian

Alan Beck, from the West Carrollton congregation, joined us today as he shared his lesson entitled, “Disadvantages of Being a Christian”. What are these disadvantages? He lists those that many claim and discusses many one by one. He also lists the advantages of being one too. What does he have...

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Waynesville member Kyle Jones delivered his lesson today on Happiness. Who doesn’t want HAPPINESS? Most everyone does. So how can we find it physically and spiritually? You can hear the lesson below and follow along with his PowerPoint slides in the gallery below. Recording: Happiness – Jones

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Alan Beck joined us again today to share his lesson on “Noah” with us. So what all can Noah teach us besides how to build a really big boat in 100 years? Check out his presentation’s slides below in our gallery. This lesson is also missing audio. Sadly this has...

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What is Trust? That is the question that Marvin Eads asks us today. He begins with the definition of Trust and then shows what False trust is. Next, he shows what trusting in God and in Jesus is and why it is SO important. Why should we trust in God?...

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Psalm 31:19-24 – “Oh, how great is Your goodness, which You have laid up for those who fear You, which You have prepared for those who trust in You In the presence of the sons of men! You shall hide them in the secret place of Your presence from the...

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