Staying Spiritually Fit

Part of Abe’s “Conduct in the House of God” series, the lessons for today were titled, “Staying Spiritually Fit“. How fit are you – spiritually? Like our diets, we are what we eat. If we are eating junk foods, well, we’ll usually be overweight and lethargic. If we are eating...

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We all face choices every day. Do we sleep in? Do we get up? What do we eat for breakfast? What do we wear to work? What do we do after work. Then there are the bigger choices, who do we date? Who do we marry? Where will we live?...

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The Benefits of Constant Requests

“Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart, saying: “There was in a certain city a judge who did not fear God nor regard man. Now there was a widow in that city; and she came to him, saying, ‘Get justice...

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Persecution – Be Prepared

From the beginning of the Christian faith, persecution has been a part of life. Even beyond the Christian faith, persecution was part of life for Jesus, His disciples, even back to John the baptizer or the prophets. So recognizing “persecution” as something NEW is error plain and simple. If we...

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Christian Identity and Worship

Kyle and Cody shared the lessons today while Abe was at Bath Road doing a meeting there. Both men gave lessons on “Christians”. Kyle talked about “Christian Identity” and how this factored into a recent trip to Washing D.C. The importance of our Christian identity and why we should be...

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Personal Nature of Sin

How does sin affect you? How does it affect me? How does it affect a God who hates sin? Is there hope for us at all? If so, what does it take to remove that sin so that we can have any hope for eternity? The Bible tells us that...

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