Personal Nature of Sin

How does sin affect you? How does it affect me? How does it affect a God who hates sin? Is there hope for us at all? If so, what does it take to remove that sin so that we can have any hope for eternity? The Bible tells us that...

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For December 1, 2013, we wrapped up our monthly ‘first Sunday’ lesson with the book of Revelation. Anyone who has ever study, read, or heard lessons on this book knows that there are MANY doctrines and misunderstandings on this book. Having been one of the students in the class that...

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Who is Worthy of the Gospel?

The Gospel has been given to humans to share with other humans. But who are we to share it with? Who will be most likely to accept? Who will resist us or the message of God and Christ? It is not up to us to decide who the person is,...

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Abe’s lessons from today were on the person, life, and circumstances around an Old Testament king named Jehoiakim. Who was he? Was he good or evil? How long did he reign? Who did he succeed? Who succeeded him? Most of all, what can we learn from him? Recordings of both...

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The Church and the Kingdom

Abe’s first lesson for today was on “The Church”. His second lesson was on “The Kingdom”. Both lessons combined show the difference and similarities of each of these terms. He takes us throughout the Bible to note passages to show the importance of knowing the roles of each and how...

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