The Mark of a True Christian

  Jason Reeder presented our lessons today. The first lesson was titled, “The Mark of a True Christian” looking as some of the influences in our lives as Christians that have been positive or negative examples to our growth. Each of us is the exact same person to someone around...

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Barnabas + Paths

Cody Cain and Kyle Jones shared lessons again today. Cody presented a nice comprehensive lesson on the many often called “Doubting Thomas”. Kyle presented a lesson on Paths or The Way. Both lessons were excellent, but our audio recordings failed either due to storm, configurations, or file saving issues. So,...

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The Model Church + You Got This

Alan Beck visited with us today, presenting two lessons. The first lesson was titled “The Model Church” and focused on the church of Thessalonica and what they were doing right and what they were challenged with. His second lesson was “You Got This!” focusing on how some of the greatest...

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Our Christian Attitudes

Philippians 2:12-15 “Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure....

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Disobey + Obey

Kyle took some of his educational background, and mixed it with his love of cyber tech and God’s word to share some great thoughts with us on obedience. Recordings and slides from both lessons are below. Please take time to listen and read or share with someone else who is...

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The Wizard of Oz

A favorite movie and book of many around the world is converted into a gospel sermon today as shared by Broc Begley. So what can this story about a girl from Kansas swept away to a far away land have to tell us about God, Christ, the church, or living...

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