
Every light that we have in our home or business works because it has a connection to a source of power. Sometimes that source of power is many miles away, sometimes even hundreds of miles away! So how does it still work? The answer is Connections. From the power source...

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True Discipleship

Marvin Eads who normally works with the Haynes Street church in Dayton joined us today to talk about “True Discipleship“. He began reading from Mark chapter 8:34-38. That reading led to his introduction of how Jesus illustrates the true value of a person’s soul. Then he began to ask us...

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God’s Plan for Abraham + Sharing the Gospel

After studying Hebrews chapter 11 with a friend in preparation for one of these lessons, Wes Grushon presented our lesson on “God’s Plan for Abraham” and a second on “Sharing the Gospel”. If you have never taught a class or presented a lesson or presentation to a group of people,...

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All-In or All-Out + 3 Good Things

Alan Beck joined us today to share some great ideas that we can all use towards our growth and rejuvenation as Christians. The first lesson titled “All-In or All-Out” starts off talking about an infamous football player who could not decide if he was going to be a player or...

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The Mark of a True Christian

  Jason Reeder presented our lessons today. The first lesson was titled, “The Mark of a True Christian” looking as some of the influences in our lives as Christians that have been positive or negative examples to our growth. Each of us is the exact same person to someone around...

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Barnabas + Paths

Cody Cain and Kyle Jones shared lessons again today. Cody presented a nice comprehensive lesson on the many often called “Doubting Thomas”. Kyle presented a lesson on Paths or The Way. Both lessons were excellent, but our audio recordings failed either due to storm, configurations, or file saving issues. So,...

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