He Might Rescue Us

Mike Grushon shared his lesson with us today entitled, “He Might Rescue Us!” beginning with a focus on Galatians 1:2b-5. What is the “present evil age” that Paul writes about to the Galatian church? What was the immorality and debauchery in Paul’s day? What about idolatry and idol worship? What...

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Understanding Christian Fellowship: From Old Times to Today

Introduction Christian fellowship isn’t just about hanging out with others. It’s about connecting with God and forming strong bonds with other Christians. This article examines how fellowship started with early biblical figures and continued with the first Christians, showing us how important it is in Christianity. Fellowship in the Old...

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Waynesville member, Kyle Jones shared his lesson today on “Fellowship” where he takes a look at what fellowship is. First he looks at the definition of the word and how it is used. In scripture he begins with Adam and Eve in the garden and their fellowship with God. He...

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Alan Beck was back with us today to share his lesson entitled, “Approved” and he begins in 2 Timothy 1:6-14. One of my favorite parts of that passage is where Paul says to Timothy, “fan into flame the gift of God”! In other words, make it spread! 🙂 That is...

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Staying on the Path

Kyle’s friend and colleague, spiritually and as a Christian, Eric Renegar joined us today to share his lesson entitled, “Staying on the Path”. Eric opened with a member reading a passage of scripture that Eric selected for his lesson from 1 John 2:1-6. You can read that for yourself or...

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Kyle took the lesson today on “Family”. The slides that he shared show a “family” of all ages, races and backgrounds just as he shares the info in the slides on root words for “family”. He shares in the information about the Greek and Hebrew text for family and how...

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