He Leads Me

Today was our 5th Sunday song/scripture/lesson we do for each month with 5 Sundays. Today’s theme was “He Leads Me“. Question, does God lead in your life? Are you following His instructions to the best of your ability, or do you just sort of stay in view of God? Staying...

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Conduct in the House of God

We can read about God, and Who He is in the Bible. We can see His love, His compassion, His power, and His requirements for those that He has created to respect Him and live their lives for Him. So once we can read about that, it should be expected...

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Going Extra “Miles”

Abe and Kyle tag-teamed on lessons today, each focusing on going beyond what is the minimum to help those around us using this popular passage as a focal point for both lessons: Matthew 5:38-42 – “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth...

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The Mystery of Godliness

So, what is the “mystery of godliness?” Abe will explain what that is, and how we have a part in it, from his lessons below, beginning with this passage from the book of 1 Timothy 3:14-16: “These things I write to you, though I hope to come to you shortly;...

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Something from Nothing?

Inside the square above is nothing. Don’t believe me? Click on the square and drag it over the cloud background above. You’ll see, there is nothing in it. The square itself is just 30×30 pixels wide/tall. While small, many thousands – perhaps millions of people throughout the ages have decided...

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Rejoice in Your Youth

Our Sunday lessons were focused on our young. After worship and class, we met at Abe and Linda’s home for a carry-in meal with members of the congregation, then we had a teen devotional. Abe’s lessons both led up to the devotional talk, where he talked about youth, the things...

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