God Has Spoken

Today, Cody shared a lesson using material from Robert Harkrider entitled, “God Has Spoken”, focusing on Hebrews 1:1-3. He begins by discussing just WHO God is and what He has done for us to date. He also notes the fact that we can know God by referring to scripture! In...

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Redeeming the Time

Today, Cody presented a lesson on Redeeming the Time. He begins with how we should be stewards of time at work, school, in recreation, TV, home improvement, vacation, etc. He shows us that in a single week there are 168 hours. How much of those do we devote to God?...

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Today Roger gave a lesson on being “Unfinished”. He gives the definition of “unfinished” but also the synonyms for the same word, which was surprisingly interesting as this lesson leads to spiritual thoughts. The synonyms almost describe many of us Christians trying to do better! The gist of the lesson...

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Cody gave one of the best lessons on the book of Esther today and really broke down the book into very digestible and memorable bits. He first discussed the timeframe that Esther was written, around 483-473 BC. He broke down the major themes of the book including Esther, Haman, Mordecai,...

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Today, Cody talks about warnings (specifically from Paul). First Paul warns about the error and improper worship as well as improper judgment we humans tend to use. He also warns against judging food, drink, or festivals. While some of these things were part of the Jewish system, they were only...

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The Invisible God

Cody presented us a lesson today from Colossians 1:15-20 where, in this scripture, the Apostle Paul talks about “The Invisible God”. Paul talks about Who He is, where He is, what all He has accomplished, why that is so important to know, and how He can impact our lives for...

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