The Narrow Way

Cody Cain brought a preview to a lesson he hopes to share at camp coming up soon on “The Narrow Way” where he focuses on asking how we can enter the kingdom of heaven? What we think are criteria for success is not what God is looking for in His...

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Our Example

Our Example

Today, Roger Starnes, Sr. presented his first lesson at the Waynesville congregation since he began attending several years ago. As his son, I can confirm my dad has been granted great study skills and the ability to present God’s word in such a way that it can be easily understood...

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Spiritual Growth & Maturity

Another installment of his series from Robert Harkrider’s material on Spiritual Growth & Maturity, Cody continues his series starting in Hebrews 5:11-14 today. He begins by focusing on the birth of a new Christian like that of a new baby. He continues by looking at the differences in growth in...

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Just God

On March 21st, Kyle Jones gave a lesson on Just God. A lesson that used the two words in a few different thoughts… First, he talked about justice and how God is just and unlike humans who need to be blind to avoid adding prejudice into our view of who...

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Catching a Train

On March 7th, Roger shared a lesson on “Catching the Train” where he begins by sharing some screen captures of the video he took as a train drove by his house around midnight. How that even though he could hear the train, it took him a long time to actually...

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30,000 Foot View

On February 28th Kyle took us on a viewing adventure, from 30,000 feet to just 10 feet! What if someone said, “Where are you right now?” How would you answer them? Would it be from space? What about a satellite? Perhaps from a commercial airplane? How about a single-engine plane?...

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