The Power of Doubt – Part 1

Waynesville member, Ryan Mortland shares the first part of his two-part lesson today entitled, “The Power of Doubt”. He begins by noting how many of us tell ourselves things like, I don‘t deserve this, or I‘m afraid I‘ll mess up, or I‘ll never succeed, or I’m not good enough, or...

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What God Does for His People

Mike Grushon joined us again today and shared a lesson entitled, “What God Does for His People” focused on Micah 7:7-20. He begins with a look at Micah’s ministry and the kinds he worked with. He notes that God will… hear him, plead his case, execuse justice for him, bring...

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Worldly Pursuits

Today, Waynesville member, Roger Starnes, Jr. provided his lesson entitled, “Worldly Pursuits” and began showing what John tells us in 1 John 2:15-17. The lesson begins with what we tend to find “beautiful”… people, cars, houses, fame, power, or wealth. How can we defeat this human trait? By focusing on...

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Preparing For A New Journey

Today, Marvin Eads shares his lesson entitled, “Preparing For A New Journey” that begins in Revelation 21:1-6. He begins by asking questions to those in attendance about preparing for a long overdue trip and what we do for it. Next, he focuses on how exciting it can be when we...

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Drawn Away

Waynesville member Roger Starnes shared a lesson today entitled, “Drawn Away” where he talks about the things that steal our attention at work, at home, and at church. So what can we do? Roger shares his ideas on what we can do in his lesson. The recording of his lesson...

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Today Kyle presented a lesson on TEAMWORK to the congregation at Waynesville. His lesson’s PowerPoint slides began with an image of people and gears to help illustrate why teamwork is so important to any group or goal. He also cited the wise statement that “There is no I in TEAM”....

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