Our Example

Our Example

Today, Roger Starnes, Sr. presented his first lesson at the Waynesville congregation since he began attending several years ago. As his son, I can confirm my dad has been granted great study skills and the ability to present God’s word in such a way that it can be easily understood...

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God’s Plan for Abraham + Sharing the Gospel

After studying Hebrews chapter 11 with a friend in preparation for one of these lessons, Wes Grushon presented our lesson on “God’s Plan for Abraham” and a second on “Sharing the Gospel”. If you have never taught a class or presented a lesson or presentation to a group of people,...

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Once again, July had 5 Sundays in the month, so our worship service today was a mix of song, scriptures, and lessons focused on one Person, Jesus. The first assembly was a sort of overview of Jesus. The second lesson takes a more direct look at just WHO Jesus is....

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Friend and Father

Kyle gave two lessons today on Father’s Day, and titled his lessons, “Friend and Father”. I’m a few weeks behind on getting lessons added to our site for users to listen to, so I’ll let you make your own summary of these good lessons… :^) Recordings of both lessons are...

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Seek Ye First + By Faith Noah

Today Jason Reeder was with us again, presenting two lessons on faith: Seek Ye First and By Faith Noah. Sometimes we get our focus mixed up, and lose focus on God as our #1 focus, and put Him 2nd, 3rd, or even last. These are when we often suffer challenges...

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