There’s a Verse for That

Pulling from the marketing for mobile devices and their many apps, Kyle takes the slogan, “There’s an App for that” and has tweaked it for his lesson today! Parents often wish they had an app to help them with raising children. Some apps can help you find parked cars, do...

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Christ Our Hope

Lesson by Cody Cain on September 20th, 2020 taken from Colossians chapter 1, verses 21-23. Quoting from the start of his PowerPoint presentation, “In verses 15-20, Paul stated twelve theological principles that make Christ the one in whom the Colossians Christians should place their faith. Now in verses 21-23 he...

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Romans – Salvation by the System of Faith

Sunday, May 31st was our first worship service since the stay-at-home order went out in mid-March to try to protect Ohio residents from the COVID-19 virus. So much has happened since those early days, it seems like it was long ago. We’ve had many lose jobs, many have to close...

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The Trying of Our Faith

Many of us these days have had our faith tested. It may be due to family issues, work issues, relationship issues, or even health and wellness issues. When we are making an effort to try to be pleasing to God and life seems to be contrary to us, we can...

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God’s Plan for Abraham + Sharing the Gospel

After studying Hebrews chapter 11 with a friend in preparation for one of these lessons, Wes Grushon presented our lesson on “God’s Plan for Abraham” and a second on “Sharing the Gospel”. If you have never taught a class or presented a lesson or presentation to a group of people,...

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