Gradual Decline

Abe’s lessons below take us back to the prophets looking at a man who tried to bend the worship of God to better suit his needs, and he did. It was convenient, less of a problem in getting to the appointed worship location, and it seemed to make sense to...

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Blessed Assurance

Hebrews 10:22 says, “let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.” We should all know too well that having assurance is key to do anything, especially when it comes to...

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Contending Earnestly

Well, I can’t say I’ve listened to Abe’s lessons for today yet – being on vacation last week and all, but I am sure they are both great! So let’s get time to listen to them as we are able. Contending earnestly for the faith in Christ is truly a...

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Lessons on Encouragement

Roger and Kyle split the lessons today on different views on the theme of ‘encouragement’. Roger took the first lesson and focused on creation, and the universe as we know it. In the lesson, he focused on the diversity and size (small and large) of all that exists – from...

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A Personal Message from God

Abe’s lessons this past Sunday were entitled “A Personal Message from God”. What could God have to say to you? What makes the message personal? How could it be that the Creator of all we know and see could care for you at all? Listen to find out (if you...

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Faith and Works

Abe and Cody shared a couple great lessons on Faith and Works on Sunday. Abe gave the first lesson, focusing almost entirely on Hebrews 11 – the New Testament chapter reflecting on great men and women of faith over the course of Biblical history. Cody followed and illustrated the importance...

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