
Kyle presented a lesson today on Mistakes. Something ALL of us have made in our lives as noted at the start of his lesson from James 3:2. The Bible confirms how even the “best” of those noted in the Bible also fall to Mistakes, including Adam, Eve, Abram, Mosts, David,...

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Today, Cody talks about warnings (specifically from Paul). First Paul warns about the error and improper worship as well as improper judgment we humans tend to use. He also warns against judging food, drink, or festivals. While some of these things were part of the Jewish system, they were only...

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Emotions – Not Emotionalism

Abe’s lessons from today begin with a really great question… We have been discussing religion of the heart and mind recently. When talking about the bible, heart, or mind, we find that a part of each human is their emotional side. How can we have our emotions involved in our...

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