Think of Yourself as Dead

Today, Alan Beck joined us while asking a very unusual question to those of us in attendance. He asked each of us to, “Think of Yourself as Dead”! What does that mean? What is he talking about? Well, you can find out by clicking on the MP3 link below, or...

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God’s Grace

Cody joins us today, beginning his talk by looking at justification is by grace through faith looking at Romans 5:12-21. Then to how the sin of Adam brought death to the world.

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Where Are You Spiritually?

Roger Sr. gave his lesson today on the question of “Where are You Spiritually?” and he began by looking at some of the death rates around the world by year, month, day, hour, minute, and second. Why? To remind us that we all have only a limited time to do...

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Christ Our Hope

Lesson by Cody Cain on September 20th, 2020 taken from Colossians chapter 1, verses 21-23. Quoting from the start of his PowerPoint presentation, “In verses 15-20, Paul stated twelve theological principles that make Christ the one in whom the Colossians Christians should place their faith. Now in verses 21-23 he...

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Life 2.0 + Rightly Divide

Kyle and Cody shared another Sunday of lessons today. Kyle gave a lesson on “Life” and Cody gave a lesson on how to “Rightly Divide”. While the two lessons come from different perspectives, the common thread is based on the wellness of the body and soul. These are our first...

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Lessons From Luke

We often take the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John for granted and sometimes even skip over them as we try to grow as or mature as Christians. However, as I grow older, the more I see the need to slow down and pull out a magnifying glass to...

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