Reflection & Resolution

Marvin Eads, from the Haynes Street congregation, joins us again this month and shares a lesson entitled, “Reflection & Resolution” which focuses on Haggai 1:3-11. Marvin begins by asking himself and us in attendance, at the end of 2024, is our faith stronger or weaker than the year(s) before? He...

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Soldiers in the Lord’s Army

Marvin Eads from the Haynes Street congregation joined us today and he presented his lesson entitled, “Soldiers in the Lord’s Army” with us. He began by sharing things that soldiers need, like a commander, armor, having a mission, and have a hope for going home after the battle. But he...

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Stronger Congregations

Member, Roger Starnes, Jr. gave his lesson today on how to have, find and be a Stronger Congregation and why it is so important for the future. You can listen to his lesson below and follow along with his PowerPoint slides in the gallery below. Recording: Stronger Congregation – Starnes

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