There’s a Verse for That

Pulling from the marketing for mobile devices and their many apps, Kyle takes the slogan, “There’s an App for that” and has tweaked it for his lesson today! Parents often wish they had an app to help them with raising children. Some apps can help you find parked cars, do...

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Making Decisions – Part 2

In his previous lesson, Making Decisions – Part 1, Roger talked about the ways that people make decisions. The focus was on how the children of God and the people of the times from the Bible made decisions when they did not have a direct command from God. We talked...

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Christ – the Perfect Example for Children

Christ set the perfect example for children. On earth, He always obeyed the Father. He kept His commands even unto death. Even though He was the express image of God, the Word, He came to do the will of the Father. With this in mind, it should be easier for...

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A Hebrew of the Hebrews – Philippians 3

Do you ever wonder why so much of the New Testament was written by the Apostle Paul? Consider some of his qualifications outlined in Abe’s lessons below. If Paul were running for president of the Israel of his day, he would be THE most qualified of his peers. His teaching...

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“Therefore you shall lay up these words of mine in your heart and in your soul, and bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall teach them to your children, speaking of them when you sit in your house,...

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Fathers and Our Heavenly Father

Being Fathers Day in the US today, Abe’s lessons focused on dads. Both our human fathers and our Father in heaven. He discussed their roles, how they can/should affect our upbringing, and what we owe each. Recordings of both lessons are below where you can play or download each to...

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