Setting Boundaries

Today, Roger’s lesson may have sounded like the title of one he presented in November of 2017, but that one was titled “Boundaries“. Today’s lesson is “Setting Boundaries”. Where the former lesson was mostly about the boundaries that God set for man to stay in His graces in his Word,...

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Roger’s lessons today were on boundaries. We have boundaries in nearly every part of our daily lives. From when we have to be at school or work, to what lane we have to drive in, to how we interact with others. Boundaries are part of us. In the lessons, we...

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The Way of a Transgressor

Transgress [trans-gres, tranz-] (definition from verb (used without object) To violate a law, command, moral code, etc.; offend; sin. verb (used with object) To pass over or go beyond (a limit, boundary, etc.): to transgress bounds of prudence. To go beyond the limits imposed by (a law, command, etc.);...

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