Benefits to Serving The Lord

Marvin Eads joined us again today and shared a lesson this month entitled, “Benefits to Serving The Lord” from Psalm 103 this month. He focuses on benefits and was known as the beloved of God. He touches on blessings and what all God forgives and how he redeems our lives...

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A Father’s Blessing

What is a “blessing” to you? Is it something you get, is it what you say when  you are about to have a meal? Is a “blessing” both? Abe’s lessons from today take us back to the Old Testament as the focus for our subject and the discussion. What exactly...

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Counting Our Blessings

Most of us start each year out with a list of things we want to change or accomplish for the year. While some will write these goals or initiatives down and work to check them off, others do a very similar process, but it is more mental awareness. Surely we’ve...

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