2 John

We are nearing the end of the Bible as Abe takes a look at the book of 2 John. Hope you can listen… Recordings of both lesson can be heard by clicking the link below. If you would like to have an outline of either lesson, or discuss the topics...

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Area Meetings for September 2013

The end of summer usually draws a number of area Gospel meetings, and this September is no different. Below is a list of some of the meetings we have been sent notice of. If you have time to attend, or have a friend or family member interested in learning more,...

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The Book of James

Abe’s lessons for this past Sunday were on the Book of James. As is our tradition, Abe does a couple lessons on a book of the Bible each first Sunday of the month. He digs into who the writer is of this book (there’s more than 1 James!), and looks...

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The Book of Hebrews

On the 1st Sunday of the month, Abe’s lessons are on books of the Bible. This month he covers the book of Hebrews. This is a very important book of the New Testament, though we have no certainty as to the author. Hope you can listen!

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The Value of God’s Word

Abe’s lessons for today were entitled “The Value of God’s Word”. How much do we truly value God’s word? In the thousands of years this timeless book was written, do we fully understand how blessed we are to have THE word of God? Do we really believe it is His...

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