Reflection & Resolution

Marvin Eads, from the Haynes Street congregation, joins us again this month and shares a lesson entitled, “Reflection & Resolution” which focuses on Haggai 1:3-11. Marvin begins by asking himself and us in attendance, at the end of 2024, is our faith stronger or weaker than the year(s) before? He...

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What Does the Bible Say About Itself?

West Carrollton, Ohio preacher and teacher, Mike Grushon joins us today to share his lesson entitled, “What Does the Bible Tell Us About Itself?” He begins in showing that scripture claims to be the Word of God. He shows that the Apostle Paul declares from 1 Corinthians chapter 2 that...

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The Parable of the Sower

Kyle Jones, member of Waynesville church of Christ, presented his lesson today entitled, “The Parable of the Sower: The Condition of the Heart”. He begins looking at how Jesus often taught with parables and that the parable of the Sower is how people receive the Word of God. Kyle next...

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Impossible Children

Today, Roger Starnes, Jr. presented a lesson entitled, “Impossible Children”. Not those attributes of ornery kids, but kids who should have never been in the texts of the Bible to parents like, Mary, Elizabeth, Hannah, Manoah’s wife, Rachel, Rebekah, and Sarai/Sarah. Have you forgotten some of the stories of these...

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Some Doors of the Bible

Waynesville member, Ryan Mortland, shared a lesson entitled, “Some Doors of the Bible” with our members and visitors. He begins with the door to the ark in Genesis 6:16, then he follows that with the Passover doors from Exodus 12. What else? The door or veil of the temple from...

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Trees of the Bible

Waynesville member, Roger Starnes, Jr. presented his lesson today entitled, “Trees of the Bible”. What kind of lesson is that? Why would he talk about trees for a sermon? Well, I think you’ll find that there are many significant events from scripture that take place in and around tress, many...

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