The Power of Doubt – Part 1

Waynesville member, Ryan Mortland shares the first part of his two-part lesson today entitled, “The Power of Doubt”. He begins by noting how many of us tell ourselves things like, I don‘t deserve this, or I‘m afraid I‘ll mess up, or I‘ll never succeed, or I’m not good enough, or...

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As he does each 2nd Sunday, Marvin Eads joined us again today to share his lesson on “Repentance” or “A Turning Toward God” from Acts 2:36-38. He begins his lesson noting that all of us are either for or against God in our lives and some never decide. Next, Marvin...

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A Little Leaven

Cody Cain joins us today after moving his Sunday around this month to accommodate us moving our “5th Sunday Singing” around due to vacation schedules. Today his lesson was on “Leaven”. What is this lesson about? You can find out by listening to the MP3 below and/or following along with...

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You will understand the reason for the title of today’s lesson by Roger, Sr. once you hear the beginning of the lesson. See how many times you can hear this word while Roger takes you through many scriptures today… and see what it means! The recording of Roger’s lesson is...

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Time Lessons

I can tell you, that when you do a lesson on time,  getting folks to pay attention to that term sort of takes on a life of its own! Since working on, and presenting the lesson I did last Sunday, I have stopped myself many times when I said or...

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The Beatitudes

Cody presented a lesson on what are commonly referred to as the “Beatitudes”. The passage shown below is a short but important passage for all those who would follow after God through Christ. These versus give hope to us when we feel outnumbered. They help us stay focused, and remind...

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