Starving Sin – Stop Feeding Sin

Roger and Abe shared lessons today dealing with the subject of SIN. How does sin get to us? We cater to it. Much like cravings for food, snacks, and extra portions of meals nag at us when we are trying to be healthy, the temptation to sin is something Satan has eons of experience in finding ways to get at us.

Like God, Satan knows who we are too. He knows how we act, where are weaknesses lie, and he exploits them with great success. So how can we improve our odds at success? We can starve him of success by putting up barriers to stop the flood of temptation, and then we can be sure we keep the doors to him closed by not feeding sin.

This lesson is a mix of new year resolutions, goals of eating better physically and using that as a metaphor for be healthier spiritually. Satan has an “X” on all of us, are you on the defense or you just about to be overwhelmed?

Roger and Abe’s lesson are available on audio by pressing the buttons below. Download either lesson or listen to, share, study, review. Just find ways to apply the idea of stopping Satan and putting a stop to him for a better life! A slideshow of Roger’s lesson is also below. Use it while playing the audio from his lesson for reference.

Starving Sin – Starnes

Stop Feeding Sin – Martin

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