Roger Sr. started his lesson out from 1 Corinthians 3:1-4 and talked about how much people love little babies. But then contrasted that by comparing how no one likes a “cry baby” especially in adults.
While being a Christian requires growth, starting at the “milk” of the word, but we should all continue to grow past the need of milk, moving on to the “meat” of the Word of God.
Roger then talks about levels of maturity that men and women have as they progress through life, and also as they progress through their spiritual life before their God and church. Some do this well, others do not. We need to try to succeed.
He later asks if our lives are rewarding and fulfilling to us and those around us? Per scripture, he reminds us that Christians are to desire the milk of the word when we first begin our spiritual journey, but we need to grow past that stage.
1 Thessalonians 5 says to ‘prove on things and hold fast to that which is good.’ Roger then talks about how the distance at which man can see increases as he goes up, further above the earth. However, Roger talks about how the lifestyle of many today are based on selfishness, not for the benefit of others.
Some questions he suggest we should ask ourselves… are we able to see the “big picture” when it comes to spiritual things? Will we have the mind of Moses in choosing to suffer with the people of God rather than to enjoy the gratification of life away from God.
Part of being spiritually mature, requires us to choose to be servants to those around us rather than to be lord over them or more important than anyone.
Roger wraps up his lesson by noting that only by growth do we continue to survive, otherwise we began to die.
You can hear Roger’s lesson below.
Recording: Spiritual Immaturity – Starnes, Sr