Spiritual Goals

Cody had both lessons for this past Sunday, and reminded us of the importance of Spiritual Goals in our lives as Christians. This is an important subject as many of us work hard to plan for the weekend, for vacation, for a new car or new house, but often fail in addressing our plans as the followers of Christ. How can we read the Bible more? How can we teach more of those around us? How can we be leaders in the church, teachers, elders, ministers? How can we just be stronger people or have more faith? Without planning it is not possible. What about the church? Without plans the church that is made up of members and congregations will shrink making less and less of an impact.

So what do we do? Cody focuses on a number of passages that remind us how to plan for our soul’s well-being and for that of those around us.

You can listen to the lessons below by clicking on the lesson, and adjusting the volume. Or download the lesson to listen to on your device at will. Please review, study, plan, and share. Questions or comments? Share below or on our comment page or on our Facebook page. Not wanting your name used? We’ll address the subject not the person.

Spiritual Goals – Cain, part 1

Spiritual Goals – Cain, part 2