On October 10th, Roger, Jr. shared a lesson on “Seeking the Lord” and what can come from us doing that, what was done with it from Bible times, and what not seeking the Lord can do for us and to us.
Roger begins by asking the congregation what are things they are looking for, and what is he looking for in life? A passage from Isaiah 55:6 is quoted and is discussed more deeply in the lesson.
The topic of “seeking” points to the fun kid’s game of hide and seek, but Roger asks how we feel when we lose a purse or wallet? What about a lost job, lost or never found mate, a house, or a car?
Then he reminds those in attendance that the Bible tells us that ALL is from the Lord so we should be giving Him our full attention. Because if God didn’t do what we believe He did, what could have done that?
From here on, Roger shares some familiar and unfamiliar passages with the church to challenge them to further study and focus on what it takes to truly Seek the Lord.
To hear Roger’s lesson, click or download the MP3 below and follow along by using the image gallery that is from his PowerPoint lesson. Questions? Please contact us on our site or on our Facebook page.
Lesson Audio File: Seeking the Lord – Starnes-Jr