Sunday, May 31st was our first worship service since the stay-at-home order went out in mid-March to try to protect Ohio residents from the COVID-19 virus. So much has happened since those early days, it seems like it was long ago. We’ve had many lose jobs, many have to close businesses, many begin working from home, many struggling to find what to do next. State and national leaders took steps to protect while at the same time many things were done that left many questioning decisions. Over the past few weeks, civil unrest has erupted due to both citizens and law enforcement not handling things well. Monuments were defaced, fires started, store windows were broken out and products were stolen. Gravesites vandalized and so many things that seem wrong. But much of the outrage seems to be people struggling to get what they feel is fair. Yes, they lose faith in their government and life.
That said, what is fair for the erring human who has walked away from God, or never known Him or the church? What of those who are part of “the church” (whatever that is to them) and who DO recognize God but fail to live up to His standards, or just lose faith?
The letter of Romans from the New Testament of the Bible teaches us so many things. Today, Cody focuses on “Salvation by the System of Faith” from the book of Romans. While no audio of the lesson was recorded, the lesson’s PowerPoint slides are below for you to reference and study.