Marvin Eads joins us again today as he delivers a message at Waynesville each month. Today his message was on being “Resolve”. Can you think of any hymns that might go along with this lesson title? We can!
Marvin begins with the background of Daniel 3 verses 1 through 6. What was the year? What kingdom was in power? Who was the leader of that kingdom? What was the Jews’ status? What rule had the king made? Who was going to pay for disobedience?
There were 3 young men who we are introduced to earlier in the book of Daniel who play a major role in the lesson today. Where these young men strong? What do they do? Why would they do such a thing?
What did the king do in response to their actions? Was it a miracle? What did the king see? Last, what do we learn from this story?
You can hear Marvin’s lesson below and see the slides from his PowerPoint lesson in the gallery that follows…
Recording: Resolve – Eads