Today, Roger and Abe split lessons on a subject that is KEY to our survival as Christians in a caustic world, and is integral to how others see us as examples. Whether we try or not, our lights are on, what color is your light today? Yesterday? Tomorrow?
The struggle to do what God wants from His children is age-old and continues today, and will until the moment that Christ comes or we die. Why is it SO hard to practice out faith? It is not, what is hard is how much we allow other things in that distract us from properly practicing.
Roger’s lesson uses a lot of sports analogy in his lesson on trying to see how practicing out faith is like a team practicing to do well. It takes everyone and it takes effort. Abe’s lesson focuses on continuing practice after you’ve done it for a long time. How doing that successfully can impact others for good or ill, and not practicing can jeopardize your soul (and those of others).
Both lessons can be heard below by clicking or pressing the buttons below. There are also slides from both in the slideshow further down. Listen, look, learn, study, share, ask questions. If you don’t have the answers, ASK!
Practicing Our Faith – Starnes, part 1
Practicing Our Faith – Martin, part 2
Lesson One and Two Slides:
Some images and screen captures came from the following websites: