Phobias vs. Fact

One definition of “phobia” is an abnormal intense and irrational fear of a given situation, organism, or object. Some people have a phobia of spiders, snakes, or mice. While a snake can bite or even kill you, spiders and mice are typically harmless (just creepy!).

Most of us would be afraid of a murderer, a thief, or thug if they were prowling around our house. Why? These people can hurt us by strength or through the use of a weapon. We dislike them because of what they do. If they were just being ‘human’ we would have no fear for them at all. Still, we don’t think of ourselves as ‘thiefaphobic’ or ‘murderaphobic’. We just dislike these law-breakers and fear for our safety by who they are. There is nothing irrational or abnormal about our feelings. In fact quite the opposite, we have a reason to dislike them.

When you read the Word of God in Genesis, God created man and woman for a purpose, to ‘multiply on earth’. Yes that means to produce young, and their bodies were designed for that purpose (Genesis 1:27-29). Just as all nature has a male and female to produce offspring. In the story of Lot, Sodom, and Gomorrah, we see the people that God is about to destroy because of their wickedness wanting to have carnal knowledge of the men (angels) who came to visit Lot (Genesis 19:4-6). Lot knew it was wrong, so did God. Those people were destroyed. Moses gave God’s laws to Israel warning that men with men and women with women was not acceptable to God (Leviticus 18:21-23). It was a problem then, and continues today.

Again in the new testament, Paul tells the church at Rome that God does not approve of men with men or women with women (Romans 1:26-28). God does not approve of men with women outside the bounds of marriage either. Both are sinful and deserving of death by God (Galatians 5:19-21).

So when a Christian is doing God’s will, and God says that certain behaviors or life-styles are wrong. We are not being fearful of the transgressor. We do not have an ‘abnormal intense and irrational fear’ of those who practice such things. We just dislike it because God does, and we will not condone such lifestyles. (See 2 Peter 3)

If only God’s people would stand up for more of what God condemns, we might all have a better chance for the hereafter. Just because  a lot of people feel something is “right” does not mean that it is. God’s Word gives the instructions for salvation, read it and follow the directions. True Christians are not perfect, they are reading and following directions too. There is no “phobia” with our fear of God, it is a rational and normal fear when we consider He is the creator of all we are and know.