Paul’s “I Am” Statement to the Romans + The Crux of Christianity

Mike Gruson visited with us today and shared lessons on Paul and in being a Christian. In the first lesson, Mike draws us into the life and convictions of the Apostle Paul illustrating his role as a vessel and what God expected of him and what he expected of himself. He felt obligated to preach the gospel, he was eager to preach it, and he most certainly was not ashamed of the gospel even if he was in prison because of it.

The second lesson focused on a word little used in the English lexicon these days, the word “crux”. The word means the essential point and Mike uses that word to illustrate what it is that the ‘crux’ of our Christianity is. He ask what is our faith based on? Who is our faith based on? Why should we be worried about where we stand?

Both lessons are recorded below and a gallery of each lesson’s PowerPoint slides follow. If you have questions or comments please reach out to us. We’ll try to provide you the answers or feedback needed.

Lesson One: Paul’s “I Am” Statement to the Romans

Paul’s “I Am” Statements – Grushon, Lesson 1

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Lesson Two: The Crux of Christianity

The Crux of Christianity – Grushon, Lesson 2

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*Photo by Willian West of UnSplash