Passing the Torch

passing-torchStarting from a tradition we see every 4 years with the Olympics, Abe talks about the passing of the torch as they build towards the start of the games. This idea is also true as individuals age, and they want to pass on responsibility and instruction on to those who are to follow the lead of the one who is aged and passing on.

This illustration was spot-on for Joshua as he was near death and trying to ensure that God’s people would stay on course, and keep the faith of the fathers.

Passing on the Torch and Holding Fast to God, 2 lessons with a common thread. Listen to hear how two two lessons complement one another. While listening to the lessons below, you can click the slideshow to follow the lessons with images of Abe’s Powerpoint slides.

Passing the Torch – Martin, part 1

Passing the Torch – Martin, part 2

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