What Happened?

Abe and Roger split the lessons today, with two lessons entitled, “What Happened?”, asking the question, how did humans get to where they are now with all that God has done? We live in a time where we constantly hear of those in the world, or even in other religions...

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Let No One Despise Your Youth

Part of Abe’s “Conduct in the House of God” series, the lessons for today were titled, “Let No One Despise Your Youth“. Why is youth such a big deal? Well, it is the only time in our lives that we can choose what our life will be in the coming...

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Staying Spiritually Fit

Part of Abe’s “Conduct in the House of God” series, the lessons for today were titled, “Staying Spiritually Fit“. How fit are you – spiritually? Like our diets, we are what we eat. If we are eating junk foods, well, we’ll usually be overweight and lethargic. If we are eating...

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He Leads Me

Today was our 5th Sunday song/scripture/lesson we do for each month with 5 Sundays. Today’s theme was “He Leads Me“. Question, does God lead in your life? Are you following His instructions to the best of your ability, or do you just sort of stay in view of God? Staying...

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Conduct in the House of God

We can read about God, and Who He is in the Bible. We can see His love, His compassion, His power, and His requirements for those that He has created to respect Him and live their lives for Him. So once we can read about that, it should be expected...

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