New Building Tour – 11/07/15

For the past few months, we’ve been posting pictures of our new building being erected on Corwin Avenue next door to the Dollar General and Pizza Hut stores in Corwin, Ohio. The progress continues to go well, with just a few small set-backs. Today I took my iPhone after a...

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Proper Fear

Have you ever had a dream about something that really scared you? Sometimes we have nightmares that stick with us for years, even life! October is the time of year that many are going to haunted houses to be startled by the unexpected, or to (willingly) go see things that...

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Who I Am Makes a Difference

Have you ever wondered “what if”? We often ask ourselves this question when we hear bad news about people we love who have done things to themselves – even taking their own lives! People can get so depressed or feel like their situation has no feasible end, and plan to...

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