Waynesville Events – Oct. 8-9, 2016

While the Waynesville Church of Christ has re-located to Corwin, Ohio, we are still part of Waynesville, and this weekend the village celebrates one of the area’s biggest festivals, the Ohio Sauerkraut Festival! While we have nothing to do with the event as a church, many members live in the...

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Emotions – Not Emotionalism

Abe’s lessons from today begin with a really great question… We have been discussing religion of the heart and mind recently. When talking about the bible, heart, or mind, we find that a part of each human is their emotional side. How can we have our emotions involved in our...

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FREE Vacation!

FREE Vacation? Curious what Abe is talking about this week? The opening passage from the book of Revelation below + plenty of examples of ‘special offers’ we have all heard before. Lessons wrap-up looking at what we have to go through for these ‘deals’ contrasting what we need to do...

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Headless and Heartless Religion

Abe and Roger split lessons today, and in their discussions on what subjects to consider, decided on the subjects of Headless and Heartless Religion. Why you might ask? In this modern era, religions have been turned upside down, or are severely broken compared to the structure for the New Testament...

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Pure Religion

As the lessons hit on the 15th anniversary of September 11th, 2001 when our nation was attacked by men claiming “religion” as the reason for their actions, Abe (who was not feeling well) presented two very good lessons on what “Pure Religion” is. God is the same in both Old...

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A Hebrew of the Hebrews – Philippians 3

Do you ever wonder why so much of the New Testament was written by the Apostle Paul? Consider some of his qualifications outlined in Abe’s lessons below. If Paul were running for president of the Israel of his day, he would be THE most qualified of his peers. His teaching...

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