Christ – the Perfect Example for Children

Christ set the perfect example for children. On earth, He always obeyed the Father. He kept His commands even unto death. Even though He was the express image of God, the Word, He came to do the will of the Father. With this in mind, it should be easier for...

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Christ – The Perfect Example for Husbands

A new series that Abe has been doing lessons on this year is “Christ – The Perfect Example”. The first two lessons recently were on how WIVES can look to Christ as an example of the type of person they should be. Today Abe turns the light on HUSBANDS and...

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Today was the first “5th Sunday” of 2017 and it is the tradition at Waynesville is to do a mix of songs, scripture, and a short lesson on a single theme, followed by a second lesson on the same theme for any month with 5 Sundays. Today’s theme was “Mercy”....

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Christ – The Perfect Examples for Wives

To suggest that there are a LOT of people unhappy with the election of our new president is an understatement. For as long as there have been elections with people running for office having different views, there are always unhappy people. However with many of the protests recently, we see...

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India Trip 2016

Abe Martin, Cody Cain, and David Graham traveled to India in December of last year, for a mission trip to India. There they worked to teach fellow believers more about living a Christian life, to help young preachers and teachers better understand the Gospel, and to share the Gospel with...

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