
Alan Beck joins us again today to share a lesson that he calls, “Thorn”. The lesson begins with a conversation from Paul about who he is and what his credentials are from 2 Corinthians 11:21-27. He also shares that he has a secret that he has not shared before. Alan...

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Five Smooth Stones

Waynesville member, Kyle Jones shared his lesson today entitled, “Five Smooth Stones” about the battle between David and Goliath. He began with who Goliath was and how his name has become a name for big problems that we face. He also notes some “Goliath” animals in nature and shows us....

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The Deception of Sin

Today, Marvin Eads shared his lesson entitled, “The Deception of Sin” with us at Wayneville, and talked about how sin deceives us. He began by asking WHY we sin? We should all know the answer to this, but he notes a few things. We have the wrong concept of sin,...

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Worldly Pursuits

Today, Waynesville member, Roger Starnes, Jr. provided his lesson entitled, “Worldly Pursuits” and began showing what John tells us in 1 John 2:15-17. The lesson begins with what we tend to find “beautiful”… people, cars, houses, fame, power, or wealth. How can we defeat this human trait? By focusing on...

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Jesus said that he did not come to judge but that His words would judge in the last day. This is how Alan opened his lesson today on “Authority”. He goes on to point out that the Father has given His Son authority to execute judgement. So what does Jesus...

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Peace in the Messianic Kingdom

Brad shared a lesson today entitled, “Peace in the Messianic Kingdom” from Isaiah 6:1. This is a follow-up lesson from his previous lesson. He begins by looking at Isaiah’s commission in 6:8. Then he is given a great mission followed by his tenure. He then talks about the Perfect King...

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