Past Present and Future

For the past several years, the church at Waynesville has been planning and building at our new location on Corwin Avenue. Today’s lessons discuss the effort and time put into our plans to see our goals accomplished accordingly. Another part of the lessons is looking back to when the same...

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Our Christian Attitudes

Philippians 2:12-15 “Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure....

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Thy Word is a Lamp Unto My Feet

Cody’s lessons today were from Psalm 119:105. Per his first slide, we can see two things… One, that the psalmist is meditating on God’s Word and thinking about different uses of the Word of God in the faithful person’s life. Two, how does the Word of God give direction in...

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Faith That Overcomes + The Foundation of Faith

Jim Grushon grew up as a boy at the Waynesville congregation and was able to join us today after many years of working with the Kettering, Ohio congregation, raising children, and running a business. He has always been encouraging to me (Roger) as a mentor, a brother, and a working...

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A Better You

Broc Begley was with us today and presented two lessons that certainly work into how we all try to think. How CAN all of us be better people? The physical lives we lead are one challenge for us to be the best person we can be, but trying to be...

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Life 2.0 + Rightly Divide

Kyle and Cody shared another Sunday of lessons today. Kyle gave a lesson on “Life” and Cody gave a lesson on how to “Rightly Divide”. While the two lessons come from different perspectives, the common thread is based on the wellness of the body and soul. These are our first...

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