Unheeded Warnings Lesson – 07/15/12

Roger and Abe’s lessons for Sunday were entitled “Unheeded Warnings”. First focus was on warnings we get as drivers, and how careful we must be to remain safe. Many scriptures were shared making spiritual application of this analogy. The second lesson highlights the challenges of trying to correct damage suffered...

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The Messiah Lesson – 07/08/12

Abe’s lessons for today were entitled “The Messiah”. A look at Who this Person would be, what He would do, and how people needed Him then and now. Recordings of the lessons can be heard by clicking the links below: 070812-the-messiah-1 070812-the-messiah-2

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Fairborn Gospel Meeting – August 24-26, 2012

Speaker: Bro Alan Steele We would like to invite you to join us for a Gospel Meeting at the Fairborn Church of Christ. The speaker will be Alan Steele of the Pisgah Ohio Church of Christ Congregation. Please join us for a time of spiritual refreshment and fellowship! Friday, August...

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Philippians Lessons – 07/01/12

Abe’s lessons for today were on the book of Philippians. Each first Sunday of the month, Abe does a lesson on a book of the New Testament. If you missed the lesson in person, you can listen here. Recordings of the lessons can be heard by clicking the links below:...

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The Need for Knowledge Lesson – 06/24/12

Abe’s lessons for Sunday were entitled “The Need for Knowledge”. He looked at all the things we have in our lives to help us do things, and how we are less knowledgeable about things we should know – especially spiritually. Recordings of the lessons can be heard by clicking the...

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June Song Service – 06/20/12

If you like to sing praises to God, or need to hear them to help pick you up, we hope you might take an hour out of your evening tomorrow and join us for our monthly song service! If you’ve never sang songs and hymns at church without musical accompaniment,...

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