Clean-up Day 1 Success!

We scheduled a work day at the building for tomorrow, Sunday August 12. However some of us had time today and could not make it on Sunday. So today, a number of us worked on the list of to-do items Abe put together Wednesday. We got a LOT done! There...

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Colossians Lessons – 08/05/12

Abe’s lessons today were on Paul’s letter to the Colossian church. Each first Sunday of the month, the lesson subject is focused on a book of the New Testament. Recordings of the lessons can be heard by clicking the links below: 080512-colossians-1 080512-colossians-2

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Franklin Meeting – 08/05-08/10/12

Subjects: Sunday @ 10:00 am – “What is our responsibility to one another?” Sunday @ 10:45 am – “What is God’s word and why is it authoritative?” Monday @ 7:30 pm – “Authority and the work of the church” Tuesday @ 7:30 pm – “Understanding redemption and the written word”...

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