
The Bible is full of examples of servants of God fasting in hopes that God will answer their prayers. From the Old to the New Testaments, we see examples of this. But what about today? Should we be fasting? Is there a reason/benefit? There certainly is a good reason to...

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2 John

We are nearing the end of the Bible as Abe takes a look at the book of 2 John. Hope you can listen… Recordings of both lesson can be heard by clicking the link below. If you would like to have an outline of either lesson, or discuss the topics...

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Area Meetings for September 2013

The end of summer usually draws a number of area Gospel meetings, and this September is no different. Below is a list of some of the meetings we have been sent notice of. If you have time to attend, or have a friend or family member interested in learning more,...

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Judging – Right or Wrong?

A recent request of Abe for a lesson was on the subject of “judging”. Abe looks at what the Bible says about judging. Is it right? Is it wrong? Are Christians to judge? Should we not? What is our role? Abe answers those questions and dives even deeper in this...

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The End

If God decided this very moment to end life as we know it, send His Son to claim His children, destroy the world, and judge between the righteous and sinner – sending them to eternity in hell or heaven, where would you or I be now? Questions like this can...

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Who is Worthy of the Gospel?

The Gospel has been given to humans to share with other humans. But who are we to share it with? Who will be most likely to accept? Who will resist us or the message of God and Christ? It is not up to us to decide who the person is,...

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